Press Release
Berlin, May 2nd 2016
FinLeap continues growing and expands its management by two additional leaders
Since its founding, the Berlin-based FinTech company builder FinLeap has been focusing on an idea’s business substance when developing innovative Fintech-companies. To professionally manage the existing ventures’ growth and the founding of new ventures, FinLeap reinforced its management team beginning of May 2016 by adding lawyer Eckhardt Weber and business information technologist Dr. Matthias Lange, who as a McKinsey consultant has several years of experience in optimizing the back-office and IT-infrastructures of big banks and developing new digital business models for financial institutions. Both of the new management members possess sound entrepreneurial experience.
Lawyer Eckhardt Weber has been supporting FinLeap for 1.5 years already in all legal issues. His main focus was on corporate law as well as financing and building solarisBank. Now, he onboards as managing director, protecting the legal and regulatory framework for the eight FinLeap ventures and taking responsibility for the expansion of FinLeaps´s InsurTech activities. “We pursue the goal to launch new insurance-products much faster than it is possible today”, says Eckhardt Weber, “Substantial for this is the interplay of efficient technology and flexible insurance-products. To develop marketable InsurTech business models is the main emphasis of my activity.”
"We pursue the goal to launch new insurance-products much faster than it is possible today"
Essential for the FinLeap strategy is not only the technological performance of each individual venture, but also the supply of a strong banking-product. “Both aspects count: the digital and the financial product component”, says Dr. Matthias Lange, “The intelligent connection between technology- and industry-know-how is decisive. Thus, the smart combination of agile, customer-oriented developing methods with a deep industry understanding is the basic requirement of our ventures’ success – it makes all the difference in the market. We thereby give our ventures the necessary substance and create the basis for growth and long-lasting scalability.”
"The intelligent connection between technology- and industry-know-how is decisive."
Essential for this strategy is the rigorous technology advancement by FinLeap’s ventures. Dr. Matthias Lange believes, “The era of rigid back-office-systems only hardly capable of displaying innovative products is over. Nowadays, a technology-platform enabling new forms of banking services counts. The renewability matters. This is the decisive turn for banking and insurance – each individual FinLeap venture shapes it.”
Within the management, Ramin Niroumand still takes responsibility for strategy and business-model-development and Hendrik Krawinkel for HR and Finance.
The FinLeap GmbH…
… was founded in December 2014 in Berlin by Jan Beckers, Ramin Niroumand and Hendrik Krawinkel – as a company builder specialized on FinTechs. FinLeap develops FinTech companies, starts them, and ensures their successful operation. Thus, growth and profitability is the result. Once started, the ventures operate independently.
FinLeap already has eight ventures on the market, including the online-insurance broker Clark, Savedo, the marketplace for investment products, the software company FinReach, which realizes online account switching for banks, Valendo offering asset-based loans, Pair Finance for the online-encashment and as the youngest “baby”, solarisBank with a full banking license. Further ventures, such as companies addressing the insurance market, are in the pipeline.
Each venture stands on the FinLeap foundation: Through this, they have direct access to 0.5 to 5 mn. Euros capital, a powerful investor-network, experienced entrepreneurs as consultants, customers and top talents, an integrated technology platform as well as highly efficient processes. The FinLeap basis works: FinLeap and the ventures employ over 200 employees from more than 30 nations.
The FinLeap advisory board includes Figo Co-Founder Andrè M. Bajorat; founder, investor and FinLeap’s Switzerland ambassador Marc Bernegger; the longstanding SOFORT-CEO Dr.Gerrit Seidel who is Manager at Yabeo Capital now; Matthias Sohler - former COO of UniCredit Bank AG and Yabeo Capital-founder, as well as Marc Stilke, investor and longtime CEO of Immobilienscout 24.