16 Feb Eine weitere Großbank nutzt jetzt den Kontowechsel von FinReach FinReach arbeitet mit über 100 Banken in Deutschland und Österreich zusammen, über 60.000 Konten wurden bereits umgezogen. Kontowechsel in wenigen Minuten komplett online durchführbar, inklusive aller Lastschriften, Daueraufträge und Geldeingängen.
17 Jan Forbes names RAMIN NIROUMAND of FinLeap to its second annual 30 Under 30 Europe list FinLeap's Managing Director Ramin Niroumand was named by Forbes in their 30 Under 30 Finance due to his industry expertise and achievements in the financial sector.
14 Dec BillFront raises $35 million in Series A funding to help digital media companies fuel their growth Investors include 4finance, NIBC Bank & existing investor FinLeap. London & Berlin-based company to use significant funding to expand further its alternative finance platform for digital media businesses
11 Oct Talanx and FinLeap join forces to create Elinvar, a white-label platform for the digitalisation of asset management Elinvar is the B2B2C provider for discretionary portfolio managers and private banks. Subject to BaFin approval it will be fully licensed and will provide its partners with an integrated solution for a digital offering.
06 Oct New Fintech Research Collaboration The Berlin Company Builder FinLeap joins forces with UK FinTech influencer Devie Mohan to launch a new FinTech research company: Burnmark
04 Aug Office building is being funded with the support of crowd investing via zinsbaustein.de For the first time in Germany, the construction of an office building is being funded with the support of crowd investing. Through zinsbaustein.de, private investors can invest in the office complex “TechPark E17” in Erlangen-Tennenlohe.
02 Aug Insurance-robo-advisor Clark receives 13.2 million Euros The insurance-robo-advisor Clark has successfully finished its Series A financing round of 13.2 million Euros. Existing and new investors participated in one of the largest financing rounds of a FinTech company in Europe.
04 Jul FinLeap strengthens its management team Dr. Carolin Gabor takes over venture development and growth. She will support the existing FinLeap ventures and guide them up to a possible exit.
13 Jun 21 million euros for Finleap The company builder FinLeap continues growing: Only three months after successfully launching solarisBank the next milestone follows. FinLeap collects a total of 21 million euros equity capital from existing and new investors.
03 May FinLeap continues growing by expanding its management by two additional leaders To professionally manage the existing ventures’ growth and the founding of new ventures, FinLeap is reinforcing its management team beginning of May 2016 by adding lawyer Eckhardt Weber and business information technologist Dr. Matthias Lange.
14 Mar FinLeap creates powerful Fintech ecosystem with solarisBank FinLeap creates powerful Fintech ecosystem with solarisBank. First genuine banking platform for the digital economy starts in Berlin. Fintech company builder FinLeap has created the first global banking platform with a full banking license. FinLeap, an idea generator and incubator of innovative fintech start-ups, brought the team of entrepreneurs together, provided the necessary seed funding, and provided intensive support during the development phase.
07 Mar FinReach kooperiert ab sofort mit HypoVereinsbank FinReach und HypoVereinsbank starten eine Kooperation, um neue Serviceangebote zu entwickeln, die Bankkunden mehr Komfort und Einfachheit bringen. Das erste gemeinsame Projekt macht den Kontowechsel auf ein Konto der HypoVereinsbank innerhalb weniger Minuten von zuhause aus möglich. Das neue Angebot steht allen Neu- und Bestandskunden, die noch kein privates Girokonto bei der HVB führen, zur Verfügung.
15 Feb Berlin-based big data startup digitizes debt collection process With the use of big data and machine learning, fintech startup PAIR creates a digital debt collection process which increases repayment rates and turns debtors back into customers. The development of PAIR was driven by fintech pioneer and former Kreditech CEO Sebastian Diemer. In the development of ROSE (Realtime Online Settlement Engine), the fintech startup was supported by SimplyRational, a company of the Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung in Berlin.
12 Jan Valendo soll Wachstum von Auctionata weiter beschleunigen Durch eine Kooperation mit dem Berliner Fintech Valendo erweitert das Online-Auktionshaus Auctionata sein Serviceangebot. Bereits bei Einlieferung der Auktionsobjekte können Verkäufer die erwarteten Erlöse erhalten. Die Auszahlung erfolgt innerhalb weniger Stunden. Das Dealvolumen in 2016 wird im zweistelligen Millionenbereich liegen. Die Bewertung und Schätzung erfolgt durch die ausgebildeten und erfahrenen Experten des Auktionshauses Auctionata. Valendo kontrolliert die Dokumentation ...
09 Dec Neuer ITA-Transparenzindex zeigt: Webseiten deutscher Versicherer schneiden überraschend gut ab Jede dritte Webseite erhält Bestnoten von der Institut für Transparenz GmbH – kurz ITA. Besonders in der Kategorie ‚rechtliche & inhaltliche Vollständigkeit‘ schnitten fast alle Versicherungen sehr gut ab. Jeder dritte Webauftritt erhielt nur befriedigende oder schlechtere Bewertungen in puncto Textverständlichkeit. Bei vier von zehn Online-Seiten mangelte es an der Benutzerfreundlichkeit. In der Gesamtbewertung erhielt ein Drittel der Versicherung die Note „Sehr gut“. Rund 50 Prozent der Web...
25 Nov Fintech-Stipendium Wir suchen Talente, die die Finanzwelt neudenken. In Essays mit maximal 1.000 Wörtern mit dem Titel „Die Zukunft von FinTech“ sollen Perspektiven des Finanzsektors in den kommen Jahren dargestellt werden. Die Autoren der besten drei Einreichungen erwarten Stipendien in Höhe von 3.000, 2.000 und 1.000 Euro. Schon heute sind weit über 100 Fintechs in Deutschland aktiv. Banking, Bezahlen, Anlegen oder Kreditaufnehmen - Fintech-Unternehmen verändern die ganze Finanzwelt. Allein im vergangenen...
19 Nov Berlin Fintech company builder FinLeap is expanding to Switzerland Berlin/Zurich - The Berlin-based Fintech company builder FinLeap is entering the Swiss financial market. FinLeap is the first German Fintech company builder to gain a foothold in Switzerland to increase the pressure on local banks and financial institutions. Since the start of FinLeap at the end of 2014, the company builder has established six Fintech companies in various international markets. The experienced serial founders are operating according to a proven principle: “We bring together ...
25 Oct Scheidung für Deutsche wahrscheinlicher als Kontowechsel 6 von 10 Deutschen würden gerne ihre Hausbank wechseln – lediglich 20 Prozent setzen diesen Wunsch aber auch um. Eine Scheidung ist für Deutsche somit wahrscheinlicher als ein Kontowechsel. Laut Statistischem Bundesamt wurde 2014 in Deutschland knapp jede zweite Ehe geschieden – ähnlich wahrscheinlich ist es, den Stromanbieter oder den Telefonanbieter zu wechseln. Wie erklärt sich also die besonders hohe Zurückhaltung beim Kontowechsel? „Es ist einfach der Aufwand, der die Menschen abschreckt...
05 Oct Target Global and ProSiebenSat.1 Accelerator invest in #Insurtech Startup Clark The digital insurance platform Clark has secured its second round of financing. The round is led by Target Global seed fund and includes the existing investor FinLeap as well as the new investor ProSiebenSat.1 Accelerator. Moreover, the Clark management team and the financial service industry veterans Karl-Heinz Flöther and Dr. Thomas Noth have invested into the Fintech business to push forward the development of the platform. “We have had a successful start and receive very positive feedbac...
17 Aug Berlin fintech startup factory is joined by three financial experts Thomas Schmidt (48), Chris Bartz (38) and Marco Neuhaus (40), three financial experts with a strong affinity for startups, have joined FinLeap to support the Berlin based fintech team. “If you want to digitalize the financial industry, you have to know and understand the business. FinLeap’s experienced entrepreneurs and financial experts, in collaboration with a strong tech team, support the establishment of new fintech companies. The financial know-how and startup experience of FinLeap’s tea...
11 Jun Berlin's Fintech Startup Factory FinLeap Expands Into the Insurance Market FinLeap is now working in collaboration with insurance experts ITA Institut für Transparenz (Institute for Transparency, ITA), having become major stakeholders in the institute. In addition to alternative banking products, FinLeap now also provide digital solutions for the insurance market.
29 Apr FinLeap looking to hire 150 FinTech experts this year FinLeap is on a growth path. Since its launch in autumn 2014, the company builder has increased its headcount to 100 employees. It plans to hire another 150 FinTech experts before the end of the year, and 100 vacancies have already been posted on the company website. The many highly qualified applications FinLeap receives from banking and insurance companies – approximately 1,000 per month – demonstrate the change the financial industry is currently undergoing. FinTech companies have become a...
22 Apr FinLeap und financeAds starten Joint Venture im Performance-Marketing Berlin, 22. April 2015 – FinLeap erweitert das Geschäftsfeld um performance-basiertes Marketing für Finanzdienstleister. Gemeinsam mit financeAds, dem deutschen Marktführer für Affiliate-Marketing im Finanzsektor, hat die FinTech-Startup-Fabrik ein internationales Affiliate-Netzwerk aufgesetzt, das Anbieter von Finanzprodukten (Advertiser) und Werbetreibende (Publisher) verbindet. Das Angebot gilt zunächst für die Niederlande, Belgien, Frankreich, Spanien, Italien und Polen. “Company Buildin...
FinLeap and financeAds launch joint venture in performance marketing Berlin, 22 April 2015 – FinLeap announces the launch of its fourth venture, an international performance-based advertising service for financial service providers. Together with financeAds, the German market leader in affiliate marketing in the financial sector, the FinTech startup factory has created an international affiliate network that connects financial service providers (advertisers) with relevant news portals and other traffic owners (publishers). The joint venture, financeAds Interna...
03 Feb FinLeap Launches BillFront to Give App Developers Faster Access to Their Money San Francisco/Berlin, Feb 03, 2015 - The International FinTech company builder Finleap today announces the launch of BillFront Inc, a company that accelerates growth for app developers and publishers by providing faster and easier access to their revenues. Advertising networks and app stores have payment terms that mean app developers can wait up to 70 days until they can get their hands on their revenues. BillFront offers faster access to cash for developers by paying out the revenues they ...